Monkey Boy in his first Spider-Man costume. He lived in that costume until it became to small and we lost the mask. He took a different mask to school. We’ve had three or four Spider-Man masks. We still have Captain America, Iron Man, two Power Ranger masks, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, and Batman. Of course you need a Batman.
You know how each class picks one kid to be the Star or Superhero or Artist of the week? Well, this week Monkey Boy is the “Artist of the Week” in his class for no other reason than where his last name falls in the alphabet. One year, his teacher drew names from a hat. Monkey Boy was the second to last kid picked for the year.
This year, his week came early, just five weeks into the new school year. His teacher sent home an “All About Me” form to complete and send back in with photos of Monkey Boy. Which we did. He also got to choose a storybook to read aloud to his class. He chose “Santa Duck.” I wanted him to take “My Friend Bear,” which I read so many times to both Monkey Boy and the Girl that I had that book memorized. I read it to home aloud this morning in one last attempt to persuade him. I love that book, and when I finished reading it, I started to cry a little.
“Are you crying, Momma?”
“Yes, and why aren’t you?” I said wiping the tears from my eyes.
“That is a really good story, but I think I still want to take Santa Duck.”
Monkey Boy also put together a sharing sack that contained 3 special items from home. He wanted to take a stick—he loves to find and play with sticks. When we left Pennsylvania for Michigan, Monkey Boy threw his favorite sticks into the moving van. Apparently he didn’t think Michigan, with all the trees, had sticks.
After a short while, Monkey Boy decided on his Spider-Man mask to represent his interest in all things Marvel. He also chose his soccer ball.
“Why the soccer ball?” I asked.
“Because I want them to know I play soccer,” he said as he pushed his black and green ball into the sack. Monkey Boy did go to soccer camp. He liked soccer camp, but what he liked most about soccer camp was swimming in the pool at the end of each day of soccer camp. Just like when he went to wrestling camp a couple years ago when his favorite thing was dodge ball. I think he might have wanted to take a basketball. He went to a mini b-ball camp, too. But we only have one basketball, and it belongs to his sister. I know she would not have let him take it. She barely lets him play with it to shoot hoops in the driveway.
Finally, Monkey Boy chose to take a family photo. He said, “I want to tell people about my family.”
“Oh yeah? What are you going to tell them about daddy?”
“He’s a pastor, and he plays music.”
That’s cool,” I said. Then I asked, “What are you going to tell them about me? What do I do?”
With some hesitation he replied, “You make copies.”
“Yeah, you make copies of paper that nobody wants to read,” he said. “You work in your office and make copies.”
Really, copies? That’s what he thinks I do? “I guess I do make copies from time to time, but I’m a writer. I write. In fact, my first book is coming out next month.”
“Yeah, you make copies.”
And there you have it, folks. I make copies.
BUT really, my first book launches in November 2018.
It’s called “Everyday Ordinary,” and it’s confessions about all those moments that make up everyday life. CLICK HERE to read more about it