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spring cleaning

Just spent the last week in the midst of spring cleaning. We all went through our closets and dressers, removing ill-fitting and neglected clothing to give to charity. And then, we removed eight regular sized plastic tubs and three extremely large plastic tubs and one old suitcase filled with baby toys and toddler toys, little girl toys and dress up costumes, and stuffed animals. I now have nine very large lawn and leaf bags filled with donations.  Ash has been amazing in reducing her footprint, Ren is unaware, B keeps trying to pawn his old t-shirts off on Ash, and I am exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Even though most of the baby and toddler toys had been packed away for at least a year, I am finding it difficult to let go of some things. I took one of the plastic tubs for a few baby items and stuffed animals that I am unwilling to give away. Perhaps years from now, when Ash and Ren are grown with families of their own, they will see these things and think fondly of their childhoods. But for right now, I want to hold onto that little bear that Marcia from Summit View gave Ash when she was born and keep that pink elephant that Grandma gave her. How can I give away that green teddy bear my mom gave me the night before I got married and that Ash fell in love with when she was still a baby? I love that Winnie the Pooh mini blanket Ren held so tightly when he was just a few months old. There are a few other things, too, small, and not worth anything to anyone else but me. I really didn’t expect it to be this hard to let go of their toys and hats and baby outfils, although B just reminded me that we haven’t even started on the Barbies yet. I just do not have it in me. The dolls are going to have to wait until another spring.