I am done with school, as in I am done with the kids being in school for this school year. Sure, I’ll send them back to school in August because by then I’ll be happy to see them leave the house and not return for seven straight hours. But today, I am done with school, and I’m excitedly, impatiently awaiting the last day of school—this Friday. It’s not because we have great summer plans, it’s more because I will not be getting up at super-duper early o’clock every single day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Yes, when the alarm goes off every morning, it is officially super-duper early o’clock.
We do have great summer plans, though, like going to see a Tiger’s baseball game this weekend. We’re also going to be spending our days—in part–splashing and lounging at our neighbor’s pool. And, we’ll make the library our home one day a week. Another day of the week, we’ll be going to the $1 movies. We also need to figure out how to help Monkey Boy start his own YouTube channel. (It’s a family project.) The Girl has drumline practice all summer, marching band camp in late July, and then marching band practice starting in early August. Monkey Boy has kids camp and VBS. And then there’s Mom’s Art Camp: we’re going to take photos, paint, draw and make paper mache monsters. There’s also Dad’s Yard Work, Gardening and Chores Camp, but that camp is really only fun for B and the one who gets ride the lawn tractor. (Here’s a big hint, it’s not gonna be Monkey Boy.)
What else: we’re also going to cook out a lot, host an outdoor movie night in our large front yard, light off some fireworks, take a day trip or two to the Great Lakes, camp out in our backyard. And we’re going to sleep in a lot. Of course, sleeping in to me is getting to lounge in bed until 7:30 am.
The Girl and I have another project we’re working on: Pick a Place. We’re going to pick a place within driving distance and learn everything we can about it. We’re going to research the town, the businesses, and parks. We’re going to learn about their festivals and politicians, their schools, and history. We’re going to find bloggers who blog about their town. We’re going to discover all those amazing little facts about this place, like the housing market, what the first building in town, and who makes the best apple pie. And then we’re going to visit. We’ll window shop and photograph and eat apple pie. We haven’t picked a place yet. Any suggestions?
And did I tell you already that Monkey Boy also gets to practice real-world math and handwriting over the summer break? He’s really excited about it, except he’s the opposite of excited. He’ll get to practice his work when I am doing mine—I’m working on my second book, and my third book, too. I’m really excited for my projects.
And all this to say, I’m done with school and looking forward to next week.